Addition with Regrouping by Leslie MacGillivray
Explore and record patterns related to addition and subtraction
Explore and record patterns related to addition and subtraction
Addition Calculations by Becky Diesel
Organise animals into similar groups while writing and solving addition problems
Organise animals into similar groups while writing and solving addition problems
Algebra Addition Grid
Activity involving addition of algebraic expressions.
Activity involving addition of algebraic expressions.
Connect four
Connect four can be adapted to your year level via the template provided. Questions need to be created for each of the numbers that relate to the focus that you have with your classes.
Connect four can be adapted to your year level via the template provided. Questions need to be created for each of the numbers that relate to the focus that you have with your classes.
Subtraction - Aus and NZ animals
Subtraction exercises with an Australian and New Zealand animals theme.
Subtraction exercises with an Australian and New Zealand animals theme.