Fraction Wall by Edwina Jay
Recognise simple relationships between equivalent fractions
Recognise simple relationships between equivalent fractions
Introduction to Perimeter by Debbie Jones
Identify why and where perimeter is use, suitable tools and units for measuring it and students then practise measuring perimeter
Identify why and where perimeter is use, suitable tools and units for measuring it and students then practise measuring perimeter
Pattern Trains by Christine Ames
Students learn to use patterns to describe the world, solve problems and to identify, create and compare patterns arising from daily experiences in the classroom
Students learn to use patterns to describe the world, solve problems and to identify, create and compare patterns arising from daily experiences in the classroom
Number Sequencing to 100 by Christine Ames
Students learn to use numbers to describe quantities, represent numbers in multiple ways, to recognise and apply whole numbers from 0 to 100, and to recognise, build, compare and order sets to 100
Students learn to use numbers to describe quantities, represent numbers in multiple ways, to recognise and apply whole numbers from 0 to 100, and to recognise, build, compare and order sets to 100
Ordinal Numbers to Ten by Christine Ames
Use numbers to describe quantities and represent numbers in multiple ways
Use numbers to describe quantities and represent numbers in multiple ways